The 'Galactic Milieu' is the world of the writer Julian May.
There is, in the anglosaxon countries, a real movement of people 'touched' by her work. The main two works are 'The Galactic Milieu', a trilogy (composed of 'Jack the Bodiless', 'Diamond Mask' and 'Magnificat') and 'Pliocene Exile' (composed of 'The Many Colored Land', 'The Golden Torc', 'The Nonborn King' and 'The Adversary').
We find the same types of behaviours among the 'cracked' with J.R.R. Tolkien and his 'Rings Lord', Terry Pratchet and his 'Disk World Story' or Douglas Adams and his trilogy in 5 volumes beginning with the 'The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.
This calendar is (strangely) based on the earth's days. The writing of the date is <7 figures>. For example :
Galactic Date | -> | Earth's Date |
La Prime 1-357-627 | | August 8th 1994 |
La Prime 1-440-644 | | May 17th 2113 |
La Prime 0-000-000 is (probably) in 2725 before JC. A galactic year counts 1,000 earth's days.
©Alain Opériol - 1991-2010 (