The mayan calendars, because they are 3 calendars, are among the most original, even more exotic.
Indeed, the first one, called 'Long Count', is a calendar which has a beginning and nothing before and an end and, normally, nothing after. Moreover, its appearance has a very modern, very technical, look. It scrolls meters separated by dots, these meters are baktun.katun.tun.unial.kin, kin is 1 day, unial 20d, tun 360d, katun 7,200d, baktun 144,000d. Kin, tun and katun are from 0 to 19, unial from 0 to 17 and baktun from 1 to 13. The beginning day gives cause to controversy, it would be either the 11th of august 3114 before JC, or the 13th of august 3114 before JC, but could be on the 15th of october 3774 before JC.
The date is the one of the world creation, the one of the end of the world is known as well, it is at the end of the 'great cycle' of 1,872,000 days, it will be on the This date is the 21st or the 23rd of december 2012 depending on the first hypothesis for the beginning on the 11th or 13th of august -3114. You are scared stiff, aren't you ?
The Tzolkin calendar is the religious calendar, it counts two sorts of weeks, it doesn't refer to a year. The two 'week counts' are running for their part, the first one on 13 days counted from 0 to 12, the second one on 20 named days. The almost unique particularity of this calendar is that the figure and the name change every day. Thus, 7 Oc is followed by 8 Chuen then by 9 Eb.
The Haab calendar is the civil calendar, it is much more classical than the others. It counts 18 months of 20 days counted from 0 to 19. Unlike the Tzolkin, in the Haab 5 Xul is followed by 6 Xul up to 19 Xul which is followed by 0 Yaxkin then 1 Yaxkin.
Blasted Mayas.
Mayan wrote a date as a mayan figure followed by a name of week or month in mayan glyphs.
For the current date, it is in spoken langage and in writen language (in the manuscript form more simple than the curving one) :
Calendar | In our calendar | In spoken language | In writen language |
Tzolkin |
12 men |
lakah men |
Haab | Uayeb19 |
Uayeb bolonlahun |
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