The Badi or Baha'i calendar begins on the 20th of october 1819, birth day of the 'Bab' first figure of the Badi faith born in Persia (Iran).
This calendar has 19 months of 19 days (361 days). The year begins on the 21st of march of the gregorian year. It is completed with 4 insert days situated between the 26th of february and the 1st of march (gregorian), these days are named Ayyam-i-Ha.
The months and the days are named according to the God qualities and attributes.
The months are : Baha (splendor), Jalal (glory), Jamal (beauty), 'Azamat (grandeur), Nur (light), Rahmat (mercy), Kalimat(words), Kamal (perfection), Asma (names), 'Izzat (might), Mashiyyat (will), 'Ilm (knowledge), Qudrat (power), Qawl (speech), Masa'il (questions), Sharaf (honour), Sultan (sovereignty), Mulk (dominion) and 'Ala (loftiness).
The days are : Jalal (glory), Jamal (beauty), Kamal (perfection), Fidal (grace), 'Idal (fairness), Istulal (majesty) et Istiqlal (independence).
There is in this calendar a 19 years cycle, a year is called Vahid. A 19 Vahids cycle is called a Kull-i-Shay. The cycles are named as follow : Alif (A), Ba' (B), Ab (father), Dal (D), Bab (door), Vav (V), Abad (eternity), Jad (generosity), Bah (splendor), Hubb (love), Bahhaj (delightful), Javab (answer), Ahad (simple), Vahhab (generous), Vidad (affection), Badi' (beginning), Bahi (luminous), Abha (the most luminous), Vahid (unity).
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